News & Events

News & Events

16. & 17.09.2019 – Symposium: The Potentials and Challenges of User-Centred Design with Older End- Users at Aging & Social Change in Vienna, Austria by Müller, C., Kuhlmann, A., Reuter, V., Frewer-Graumann, S., Dickel, M., Vera Gallistl, V. & Rohner R. .

14.09.2019 – Oral Presentation: Technikbiographien und Technikeinstellungen von älteren Menschen mit geringen digitalen Kompetenzen und ihre Bedeutung für zukünftige Lernangebote gehalten auf der Herbsttagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Sektion Alter(n) und Gesellschaft in Vienna, Austria by Rohner, R..

21.08.2019 – Oral Presentation: The intra-action of learning and teaching digital skills – Peertutoring as a way to support belonging of older people in Finland. European Sociological Association, Manchester, United Kingdom by Korjonen-Kuusipuro, K., Pihlainen, K. & Kärnä, E..

27.06.2019 – Oral Presentation: Alter und Technik: zum 8. Altersbericht der Bundesregierung und Praxisbasiertes Design, LINGA Fachtag “Ausblick in unsere Zukunft”, Landesinitiative Generationengerechter Alltag, Hannover, Germany by Müller, C.

21.06.2019 – Oral Presentation: Technological literacy for enhancing the health of older people at ForItAll 2019, Ancona, Italy by Bevilacqua, R. & Strano, S..

20.06.2019 – Oral Presentation: Doing Translations. Critical Policy Implications at the Intersections of Age Studies and STS at 3rd Workshop of Socio-Gerontechnology, Stockholm, Sweden by Gallistl, V.

20.06.2019 – Oral Presentation: Between theory and practice. The gap in the design process at the 3rd Workshop of Socio-Gerontechnology, Stockholm, Sweden by Struzek, D., Dickel, M. & Müller, C..

08.06.2019 – Oral Presentation: Networks of Care in Rural Areas. Workshop: Networks of Care at the European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: The International Venue on Practice-centred Computing, Salzburg, Austria by Dickel, M., Struzek, D., Jung-Henrich, J., Müller, C., Kaspar, H., van Holten, K. & Pelzelmayer, K..

05. & 06.06.2019 – Conference: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Technikforschung, -gestaltung und –aneignung, Siegen, Germany organized by Kricheldorff, C., Müller, C., Pelizäus-Hoffmeister, H. & Wahl, H.-W..

05.06.2019 – Oral Presentation: Learning and participation in participatory design processes with older adults. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Technikforschung, -gestaltung und –aneignung, Siegen, Germany by Pihlainen, K..

05.06.2019 – Poster Presentation: Benefits from digital training events in later life: Views of older adults, their peer tutors and ICT teachers. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven aufTechnikforshung, -gestaltung und -aneignung, Siegen, Germany by Pihlainen, K.,
Korjonen-Kuusipuro, K. & Kärnä, E..

06.2019 – Tulevaisuus ilman ahdistusta ja pelkoa? Oikenlainen digituki käyttöön! (Future without anxiety and fear? A right digital support in place!).
More information: https://su Korjonen-Kuusipuro, K., Kärnä, E. & Pihlainen, K. 2019.

29.05.2019 – Session: Older Media Audiences at Trent Ageing 2019 in Trent University Peterborough, Canada by Gallistl; V. & Nimrod, G..

29.05.2019 – Oral Presentation: Mundane Practices and Technologies in the Everyday Lives of Older Adults at Trent Ageing 2019 in Trent University Peterborough, Canada by Gallistl, V..

29.05.2019 – Oral Presentation: Sozio-technisches Design von digitalen Medien für ältere Menschen vorgetragen bei  Zurich Chapter Ageing 2.0., Zürich, Switzerland by Müller, C..

24.05.2019 – Symposium: Supporting digital literacy and appropriation of ICT by older people – the Access Project at the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGGER 2019) in Gothenburg, Sweden by all partners (chair: Müller, C. & Hess, M.).

24.05.2019 – Oral Presentation: Positive and Negative Outcomes of Technology Use in Older Adults — User Integration as Solution. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region, Gothenburg, Sweden by Frewer-Graumann, S., Ehlers,
A., Hess, M. & Müller, C..

24.05.2019 – Oral Presentation: Re-thinking Age and Agency in a Digital World – Innovative Perspective on Age, Agency and Technologies at the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG-ER 2019) in Gothenburg, Sweden by Gallistl, V..

24.05.2019 – Digital Technologies and Health: Learning models for Older Adults at IAGG-ER – International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congressm (Gothenburg, Sweden) by Bevilacqua, R. & Strano, S..

24.05.2019 – Oral Presentation: ICT Solutions for a Hyper Ageing Society – Japanese Public Policies at the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG-ER 2019) in Gothenburg by Naegele, G., Waldenberger, F. Park, S..

26.04.2019 – Symposium: Health Literacy in Digitized Environments hold at the Geriatriekongress 2019 in Vienna, Austria by all partners (chair: Müller, C. & Gallistl, V.).

26.04.2019 – Oral Presentation: Sensor Literacy in the Field of E-Health hold at Geriatriekongress 2019, by Müller, C. & Jung-Henrich, J. & Struzek, D., Vienna, Austria. Oral Presentation: The Use of e-Health Technologies in Informal Care, presented at the Geriatriekongress (Wien, Austria) by Bevilacqua, R..

26.04.2019 – Oral Presentation: Country-specific Contexts of Technology Usage in Old Age by Frewer-Graumann, Susanne; Ehlers, A. & Hess, M. presented at the Geriatriekongress. Vienna, Austria.

26.04.2019 – Symposium: Health Literacy in Digitized Environments – Critical Comment hold at the Geriatriekongress. Vienna, Austria by Naegele, G..

26.04.2019 – Oral Presentation: Motives and needs of older people digital skills trainers. Media Education Conference, Salla, Finland by Ng, K., Kärnä, E. & Pihlainen, K..

01.02.2019 – Oral Presentation: Beziehungsgestaltung und Kommunikation im Living Lab: Die unsichtbare und vernachlässigte Arbeit der Innovations- und Technologieforschung gehalten auf der Tagung Ageing and Living in Place (ALiP), Olten, Switzerland by Kaspar, H., Müller, C. & Otto, U.

16.11.2018 – Digitukitilanteiden rakentuminen senioreiden vertaisopastustilanteissa (Seniors´ peer guidance process in digital use context). Education Days of the Finnish Educational Research Association (FERA), Tampere, Finland by Pihlainen, K. & Kärnä, E.

13. & 17.11.2018 – Poster Presentation: ACCESS – a conceptual model for sparking new IT learning cultures for older adults at the Conference of the Gerontological Society of America 2018 in Boston, USA, by all partners.

04.10.2018 – Supporting digital literacy and appropriation of ICT by older people – ACCESS. Research colloquium of Research Association for Gerontology at the TU Dortmund University and Chair for Social Structure & Sociology of Ageing Societies, Institute for Sociology, TU Dortmund by Ehlers, A. & Hess, M.

11.12.-12.12.2018 – Konsortium meeting in Ancona (Italy) at the INRCA (Institute of Health and Science on Ageing).

28.09.2018 – Rehacare 2018 in Düsseldorf, Deutschland

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18. & 19.09.2018 – Aging and Society Konferenz in Tokio, Japan

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04. – 08.06.2018 – ECSCW 2018 in Nancy, Frankreich.

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Previous Events

23. – 25.05.2018 – Kick-off meeting of the new EU project ACCESS (JPI MYBL) in Siegen at the University of Siegen.

13.02.2018– International Conference of JPI More Years Better Lives in Brussels.

ACCESS participated in the yearly International Conference of JPI „More Years, Better Lives” in February 2018 at Brussels.

The conference aimed at stimulating dialogue in the area of DemographicChange by bringing together stakeholders including national policy makers, funders, scientists, health care professionals, industry representatives andNGO’s.

The main theme of the conference was “Increasing the Knowledge Base on Demographic Change”.
More information:

Download the project’s brochure!

Download the project’s conference poster.

After the conference part, a networking event provided the projects with the opportunity to get into contact to each other. Funded projects from thethird JPI More Years Better Lives Joint Transnational Call for Proposals (2017) for “Ageing and Place in a digitising world” can be found here: